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Showing posts from 2015

Confirmation Bias

What is it exactly? It is a term used in psychology that explains what the humans rationalitation process does. It is a type of cognitive function often used by the frontal cortex (a.k.a. the more rational part of our brains) to extract information from memories or things that we learned to confirm what we already and or currently believe in. This is often the case when our brain cannot accept a new information that contradicts what itself truly thinks/believes to be real and comes from facts. This is also one of the many reasons why people tend to believe so much in an information they see on the internet if it somehow suits their conditions or the things they are trying to explain. Now, i am not going to go in depth into the whole explanation of confirmation bias. You can do that on your own time reading in Google or Wikipedia, or whatever other sources you may have at your disposal. But it is really interesting to talk about the implications and what this behaviour of ours bri...