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Showing posts from January, 2017

Something different

Yeah I haven't done a post on this blog in a long time. So I'm trying something different today, a more "personal" and "talkative" approach if you will. I actually wanted to write a post with the theme "difference between doing and achieving" but at the same time, it's such an abstract theme that I doubt I can use it in my usual format. Hence is this new "style" of writing. Also I feel like I'd need less research time if I just put it out there rather than pondering on the question in my mind for a very long time like I used to. The question "can humans really do everything/anything?" was sparked by a sequence of events that leads me to overhearing a pair of woman and her daughter in the middle of the street in Germany, and the woman told her daughter that she could do anything and become anyone (in the German language ofc). While true becoming anyone is a matter of effort, time, and resources, doing anything isn't ...