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Something different

Yeah I haven't done a post on this blog in a long time. So I'm trying something different today, a more "personal" and "talkative" approach if you will. I actually wanted to write a post with the theme "difference between doing and achieving" but at the same time, it's such an abstract theme that I doubt I can use it in my usual format. Hence is this new "style" of writing. Also I feel like I'd need less research time if I just put it out there rather than pondering on the question in my mind for a very long time like I used to.

The question "can humans really do everything/anything?" was sparked by a sequence of events that leads me to overhearing a pair of woman and her daughter in the middle of the street in Germany, and the woman told her daughter that she could do anything and become anyone (in the German language ofc). While true becoming anyone is a matter of effort, time, and resources, doing anything isn't as easy as it seems. To me it is simply folly to think that one can "do" whatever it is that one wants. The vastness and the vagueness of this simple optimism are rather dangerous in the sense that it sparks the idea that people are capable of doing something that they shouldn't be able to.

Although it is true, optimism isn't exactly my best suit, I see the sentence "doing anything" as faulty. Our so called "morality" as a society or rather, in our society restricts already a big part of what we can and cannot do. Physical limitations are also another factor that one should count in saying such a vague argument. No humans can fly, that much is clear and unless we somehow biologically evolve to grow a pair of wings, change our lungs to handle air pressure, and Brain to not explode under the huge amounts of damage caused by the many Gs that would be produced while diving because of our mass and speed. Psychological factors, family backgrounds, available resources play somewhat a role in what we can and cannot do.

My point is, perhaps it is time we stop saying that anyone can do anything, a folly sentence which has no base in reality. I argue we should instead say "anyone can ACHIEVE anything" something which is grounded in a more realistic value. A human cannot fly, but it can achieve flight, through it's efforts, and use of brain. The fundamental difference in doing and achieving is the process that one goes through in order to achieve something. By achieving something, you've put in the effort, the time, and dedication to actually reach the goal that you have set for yourself. One can also argue that this was what was intrinsically meant with doing anything, but it doesn't actually convey the correct message, because you cannot achieve something without effort, time, and dedication, while when one does something, one simply does it. The principles of putting your effort, time, and dedication into something are what drives people and humanity in general forward unto the next phase of evolution. And funnily enough, there's a partial optimism inside of the thought that one can achieve anything. As an example the next time someone tells you, you can't do something, tell them they're right, but you can achieve it. If you feel like you can't play the piano, or can't do something, put in the effort, time and dedication and you will achieve it. Doing something is easy, achieving something is something only a very few are capable of.


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