In our current era, where social media are widely used, the hunger for existence are being experienced by many. From the use of facebook to share one's own thought, to instagram to share our photo and experience, even to foursquare to tell people where we are, and other methods are used to prove our existence. Some might argue that those are for fun, but none could truly justify the truth that many people are becoming dependent upon it to prove their existence. Even privacy are being excluded simply to prove that they are there, they are alive, they "exist". This raises a good question, what is existence, truly?
Michael from Vsauce did an excellent job at explaining "How people dissappear" ( His video explains, that even in this era of cctv's and continous watch people can still dissappear. Those disappearances could be because of accidents that can't be explained, missing dead body, or a simple mistake of recognising you as a person and another person similar to you, etc. You could be declared dead even if you're still alive, you could be declared dead just because you no longer "exist" or because you were mistakenly declared dead because someone similar to you also died. In this term, "existing" no longer becomes part of being alive or not, but it becomes a part of whether or not you are remembered and recognised correctly or not.
In that context, it is actually possible to continue "existing" even when you're dead, because i'm sure at least one of the people you interact with (doesn't necessarily talk to) will remember you, either in a good way or a bad way. In that person's memory you are actually in many ways more than one, "exist". You continue on "existing" as part of someone, as a part of their memory, even if you're not in a physical form but rather in a form of images, faces, and sequence the brain remembers, you're still there. Many people argue, that a human can die twice, once when he/she is physically dead, and the second one is when he/she are forgotten.
But, is "existing" correlates to "being remembered"?
In a way, no, because no one in this entire universe (except for your creator) can deny your "existence". Why? Think about it, when a baby died before he/she was born, do they cease to "exist"? Can anyone truly claims that the baby didn't exist? They can't, even if you're not remembered or you have already died, no one can deny your "existence". "Existing" simply means you are and were "there". This applies to everything, for example, if you were to destroy the sun, and humanity somehow forgot about the sun, does the sun "cease to exist"? No, the sun "were there" and the sun "did exist". To put it in a simple terms, you don't even need to try to "exist" just by you being there you are already "existing". So, no matter who you are, where you're from, what you look like, i'm glad you're "there" and i'm glad you "exist".
And as always, thanks for reading.
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