In this world, we humans were only given one life to live. Once chance to do it all, one shot to make the best decision, or at least that's what most people say. Others beleive we will be reincarnated one day, through many means, others simply say we dissappear into nothingness, others say we just simply become one with the world. But when do we, as humans, really die? When we're shot through the heart? When our heads got sliced? When other people broke our hearts, our hope, our spirit? The answer is simple, when we are forgotten. When our existence in this world, ceased to be. When what we've done, what we've been through, what we had, ceased to be acknowledged by others.
If so, then comes the question, "What have I been doing all this time?" for a lot of people, that question remains unanswered, even until the time of their death. Some of you might say, the answer is a chronological one, since birth i was like this and that, then i grew up, and bla bla bla. But think about this, is your life only worth that kind of a boring story? A chronological story that anyone can copy and paste, and make their own? As of today, a lot of people doesn't even know the meaning of their existence, what makes them so unique, or even why do they deserve to live. Because they can't even answer "What have I been doing all this time?" with their own style, their own real stories, their own "truth". That is also the reason why most of us humans chooses to ran away, instead of facing the problem. I do not need to show you any data, because you, the readers, are free to decide whether you agree or not.
Nevertheless, the mystery of ourselves can only be solved by one person, ourselves. No, it's not some sick weird joke, because no one understands a person better than him/herself. For whatever reason you think that someone knows you better than you know yourself, that's not true. The reason you felt like that is because you rejected and refused to acknowledge even your very own existence, purpose, body, problems, etc.
So, ladies and gentlemen, if we don't even acknowledge our own exicstence, if we rejected our problems, if we refused our own purpose and body, etc. how can we, so easily judge others? How can we humans, so easily just say whatever we want about another person? How can we say that other people are worthless, stupid, crazy, etc. eventhough we're not even finished with our own problems?
Thank you for reading
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