Us humans, have this need of having a private space just for ourselves. In it we feel safe, secure, like in a world of our own, because of that we shared our deeprest thoughts, emotions, opinions, etc. inside of that space. That personal space where we can share everything that personal world of ours that we don't want anyone to know, except if we allow them to, is commonly called 'Privacy'.
Most of us uses diaries or private journals to reflect on things, such as our daily lifes, or our actions, regrets, opinions, emotions, etc. and we wrote it down on that diary so that we can look back and take a liitle piece of lesson from it. But, what happens when that privacy is exposed? Well, let's think about it together, imagine your own world, you private thoughts, your deepest secret, your fears, and everything that you want to keep to yourselves is suddenly a reading material for public to read. Many of us would feel embarassed, sad, angry, and most of all, invaded.(It doesn't feel good does it?) As much as we humans are social beings, each of us are also an individual. There are certain boundaries in which we as an individual can share, and which are to be kept to ourselves.
Now think about this, what happens when your privacy is graded by someone else? and it even has it's own report card? It is even being treated like a school subject, like math, biology, etc. Let's take a moment to stop, and use our logic, our most basic logic. How can you grade someone's privacy? Good question, well, the answer is simple, you can't. Why? Because we will never know what it feels like to be that person, we can never look at this world through his/her eyes. There can never be a right or wrong in the matter of personal privacy, because it is our own thoughts, our own emotions, our own world. Can you imagine what would this world be like, if anger can be graded 10/100, or our critics for others are graded 50/100, or our ideas are graded 30/100? That is to say, in a simple way, the truth about education in some schools. They teach us to write nice things and lie to ourselves just to get good grades.
So, let's take yet another moment to stop thinking about it, and let's face reality. How many of us really appreciates others' privacy? How many of us truly understand one another? How many of us has start to make a difference? I hope this post has helped to open your mind.
Thanks for reading
Thanks for reading
Well who knows maybe they just want to see how something is seen from your eyes/ our eyes. Maybe they just want us to see something from another view. But, if they start to grade our opinion or try to manipulate it and not trying to improve us then I can't say its right.
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