During our daily lifes, we see, hear, smell, feel, and we taste almost everything. By current culture, what we mostly see are either our phone, laptop, tv, games, facebook, or other electronic devices and software. What we hear are basically what we wanted to hear, and we block out the rest. What we smell are only things that are acceptable by society, like flowers, perfumes, etc. and what we taste are things that we feel good about, for most it's meat, some it's vegetables, others just don't care about taste since they only want nutrition.
Of course, during the course of our lifes, those things aren't weird at all. Since it is, in a way, a part of our lifestyle and there is nothing wrong with that. But, let's stop and think about it, how could we possibly decide if meat taste good? if vegetables taste better? or we don't even care about taste? There are, currently, no books that are available, that could explain the feeling called 'delicious', 'tasty', 'good' etc.when we eat something, basically, there are no certain theories on this subject, yet, we know it taste good, it's tasty, it's delicious. This goes the same for our other senses, there are no certain theories on how it works. Some of you might think, "we got that in biology", but, even biology or any other subjects, have no factual proof that their theories are 100% correct.
Let's say you, the readers, are currently in a market, and you saw a certain orange colored, long shaped, vegetable, that looks like an orange pencil, what would you call it? Most of us would answer 'carrot', yes, that is correct, but it's called 'carrot' because people agreed on it. Think about it, you know the answer is 'carrot' because you were thaught for the very first time by your parents, or school, that society calls it 'carrot'. When we were a baby, humans doesn't have any knowledge about this world, we don't even know our parents name, until they've taught us their names, until they've taught us that pencil shaped, orange colored vegetable, is called 'carrot'. Imagine this, if your parents, or whoever taught you for the first time that a vegetable that looks like an orange pencil is called a 'carrot' were to somehow tell you it is called a 'tomato' what would you call a vegetable that looks like an orange pencil until this day?
The same goes for everything that we know about our lifes. Which absolutely nothing, that is why, we cannot say that 'i understand you', or 'i know how you feel', or 'i've been through the same'. We humans were designed to never know what other people see, feel, hear, smell, or taste, that is why we are so unique. Because each of us have different experience, different way of thinking, so you could never truly understand another person just by having a similar experience. You don't know how he/she see, feel, hear, smell, or taste, about that similar experience, do you? We were each given our own world to see, hear, feel, smell, and taste, by God Almighty. But, that doesn't mean we cannot show simpathy or empathy towards other people. Yes, you can't understand others 100%. Yes, you can't see his/her world. But that doesn't mean you can't help him/her. Do what you think, can solve his/her world. Us humans doesn't need people to tell us 'we need to be strong', 'have patience', 'you'll understand someday' etc. We already get that much, what we need is people who, in the best of way, help us to figure out the solutions of our problems. If we can manage that, this world, would be a better place to live in.
Thank you for reading.
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