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Showing posts from July, 2013

Running again?

In this world, we humans were only given one life to live. Once chance to do it all, one shot to make the best decision, or at least that's what most people say. Others beleive we will be reincarnated one day, through many means, others simply say we dissappear into nothingness, others say we just simply become one with the world. But when do we, as humans, really die? When we're shot through the heart? When our heads got sliced? When other people broke our hearts, our hope, our spirit? The answer is simple, when we are forgotten. When our existence in this world, ceased to be. When what we've done, what we've been through, what we had, ceased to be acknowledged by others. If so, then comes the question, "What have I been doing all this time?" for a lot of people, that question remains unanswered, even until the time of their death. Some of you might say, the answer is a chronological one, since birth i was like this and that, then i grew up, and bla b...


During our daily lifes, we see, hear, smell, feel, and we taste almost everything. By current culture, what we mostly see are either our phone, laptop, tv, games, facebook, or other electronic devices and software. What we hear are basically what we wanted to hear, and we block out the rest. What we smell are only things that are acceptable by society, like flowers, perfumes, etc. and what we taste are things that we feel good about, for most it's meat, some it's vegetables, others just don't care about taste since they only want nutrition. Of course, during the course of our lifes, those things aren't weird at all. Since it is, in a way, a part of our lifestyle and there is nothing wrong with that. But, let's stop and think about it, how could we possibly decide if meat taste good? if vegetables taste better? or we don't even care about taste? There are, currently, no books that are available, that could explain the feeling called 'delicious', ...


Since the birth of society, us humans have tried to make a structure of power in which has it's own trusted leader, and every single member of that structure are to obey it's trusted leader. Then, we tried to set boundaries on which are acceptable for the society and which are not, commonly known as rules, or regulations, etc. As we built larger society, more rules are created, some might say it is for the common purpose, some might say it is for a better cause, others might say it is created for our comfort. That kind of thinking lead to the birth of the word 'normal'. Most of us would not think that the word 'normal' is weird since it is such a common phenomenon on modern society. Well, that is not wrong since 'normal' in today's terms are used to gain equal satisfaction for everyone so we can maintain order. At least, that was the purpose, but in reality we used normal to change other people's behaviour that are not in our liking, we u...

Personal Privacy

Us humans, have this need of having a private space just for ourselves. In it we feel safe, secure, like in a world of our own, because of that we shared our deeprest thoughts, emotions, opinions, etc. inside of that space. That personal space where we can share everything that personal world of ours that we don't want anyone to know, except if we allow them to, is commonly called 'Privacy'. Most of us uses diaries or private journals to reflect on things, such as our daily lifes, or our actions, regrets, opinions, emotions, etc. and we wrote it down on that diary so that we can look back and take a liitle piece of lesson from it. But, what happens when that privacy is exposed? Well, let's think about it together, imagine your own world, you private thoughts, your deepest secret, your fears, and everything that you want to keep to yourselves is suddenly a reading material for public to read. Many of us would feel embarassed, sad, angry, and most of all, inva...