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Source of all evil

Source of all evil

From the very beginning of evolution, mankind has used a lot of different ways to survive. Forging, scavenging, hunting, exploring, you name it. But the most intriguing of all is the trading system in which we still use until today. Which is the use of money, no, we are not going to talk about economy, not because it is boring or anything, it is simply because that is not the topic. Instead, we are going to talk about, what is most likely, the 'source of all evil' as the title clearly implodes.

There are many logical reasons why one can think that the current trading system is evil, or to be more spesific, why money is evil. Let's think about it, in the current world culture, money is used to buy and trade a lot of things, of course it is not the absolute object in which is used to trade, but it is the most common. As such, us humans would go to many length just to get our hands on it. Here's an example, a hitman is going to kill a certain rich CEO of X company, why would he kill him/her? money of course, and a reputation as a side bonus. I mean, if you have a rival, you would know how irritating it is to see your rival out do you. Now, why would you want to get rid of your rival? Why it's obviously to knock him out of the way, for you to get more money, fame, etc. Again, it's money, money, money, all we care about is money. Money to buy a new game, money to get more girls, money to buy new cars, money to this, money to that.

This crisis of greed, has led us to the dilemma of unable to be satisfied. Let's take an example of a daily conversation between common housewives, 

R : "Hey, how are you?"
L : "Good, how are you?"
R : "I'm doing fine, i'm gonna have my 3rd child in 1 month"
L : "That's great, are you gonna get more?"
R : "No, i don't think so, we're happy with 3"
L : "Really, but that's ashame, don't you want to have people to take care of you when you're old?"
R : "Yes, i do, but i don't think we're able to handle anymore than 3"

Now, let's take a look shall we, instead of expressing gratefulness, these two housewives are actually expressing greed. Think about it, instead of "Wow, that's incredible, you are so blessed to even have a child" current culture teaches us to "Are you gonna get more?" like giving birth is easy. Likewise with our daily lives, instead of "I'm so proud of you son, you came in 3rd but with a lot of effort!" we've gone into "What do you mean you placed 3rd? Don't you know people don't remember losers! I don't care about your efforts, if you're not 1st you're not my son!" as if winning is everything.

Of course, it does not apply to all of us, but it does to most of us. Let's stop thinking for a moment, and take a look back, and question ourselves, Have i been grateful or just plain greedy? Did even took a moment to stop and appreciate the things around me? A great man once said 'Success is how to move from one failure to the other, with a smile, enthusiasm, and a big heart'. So, if you've failed to appreciate all things around you, if you've failed to be grateful, don't stop trying, move on, and one day, you will gain things even grater than success, something beyond success. What is it, you ask? Well, that's for you to discover, not for me to tell.

Thanks for reading


  1. Not bad. But sometime being greedy is not bad, just the attitude that make it sounds bad.(sorry bad english :) )


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