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The Robot Generation?

Currently, many people are stating that there are two different generations in exsistence, one is the X generation, the other is the Y generation. In most cases the X generation have a tendency to find it difficult to use and understand newer technology, so they tend to be unable to use their gadgets, pcs, etc. up to their fullest extend. While the Y generation have a tendency to be able to naturally use and master their gadgets, pcs, etc. without having a need to be taught by others', as if it were something they were born with. It matters not which generation you were born into, they all still experienced a certain level of the same education system. Although the system of education differs in each countries, but a lot of it are similar, especially in eastern countries

Many of eastern countries' education systems are slave-based and memorization-oriented. No one can be blame for such a system to be born, it was only natural that a country that has so many slaves to come up with a system to preserve it. This is proven by how many eastern schools that demanded their students to have good grades. Let's think about it, by demanding and brainwashing the students that gaining a good grades is mandatory, the students' mindset will be set to that very goal, which is to only obtain a good grades. By which destroyed the meaning of building a school in the first place, which is to learn, and not to get a good grade. Yes, you could say that this is weird in a sense if you are living in those countries, but have you not realize that each person is unique? That a formal grading system will only demolish those uniqueness?

Let's take an animal for example, let's say an eagle was forced to swim by an animal school in the middle of the forest. Eventhough he's good at flying, and he was made for flying, because the school demanded that he needs to be able to swim (eventhough the teacher is a rat who doesn't know how to swim either), his all so mighty wings got wet, and the eagle wasn't able to fly ever again, because wet wings will make it harder to fly. The same could be said to children, when you took away their own capabilities or talent, their own "uniqueness". They eventually became unable to enjoy their lives in pursuit of grades, unable to cherish what they have because they were taught that "good grades are everything, nothing else matters", unable to be creative with their own talent because it was destroyed by demanding them to be a grade pursuing robot

This matter is actually very concerning because in a way, it affects all of us. Imagine the future where everyone have a robot-like mind, everything becomes absolute and demanding, where everyone blames one another for whatever it is that they did wrong, just to get rid of competition. Wouldn't a world where everyone appreciates one another for their God-given talent be much better? A world where each individuals are appreciated for what they are, and not what people wants them to be? Hopefully, this will become a good material for you to reflect upon

As always, thanks for reading.


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