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Before we start, let's make it clear first, the Judgement i'm referring to isn't about laws or armageddon, rather it's a psychological action that people use in their daily basis to evaluate another person or an action taken by a anotherperson. This differs in the sense that there is no written rules as boundaries unlike law, nor is it related to anything about Judgement day a.k.a. armageddon. Now with that i hope it clears out any misconception and put us to the same page of context.

Some might say it is necessary for survival, some might say it is a way for us to adapt to our environment, some might say it is also a method to quicken our train of thought from previous experience. There's no denying that our acts as human beings to judge others have it's many benefits. as well as it's disadvantages. Who's to say that judging others is wrong? Think about it, there's no telling what those who judge us have experienced. For example, a girl is traumatized by men so she judge them immediately that they're all bad because she was raped by them, or a boy who are afraid of being called a nerd so he bullies his "nerdy" friends because his friends and family expects him to be popular, etc. There are so many factors for our reasons to judge others and what they do, sometimes even their lifestyles. Not only our experience or knowledge, social standings, social demands, parental education, and many more may alter our view of what we think and how we judge other people.

Personally i do not have any problems with humans judging another humans, that's just our evaluation from past experiences or the many other factors i've already mentioned, sort of...  but the problem starts when our ego kicks in and blocks our mind to other possibilities. There's absolutely nothing wrong for a woman who have been raped to hate men, in fact that's understandable, but if she continues to think that 'every men is evil and must be destroyed!" then she blocks her mind from opening up and trusting another men again ever. That's when the illusions that were created from our minds begins, thus creates stereotypes, she labels all men as being disgusting sex hungry pig, eventhough there are many other possibilites and types of men out there other than being a sex hungry pigs. The same goes for that boy who blocks his mind out of fear from his environment, or any other situation you might encounter in daily lives.

The solution for those types of close-mindedness is about as complex as trying to figure out the equation of all the problems in quantum physics combined. Why is it so? Because the many factors of life that we cannot calculate and the level of emotional intensity a person feels about a situation differs from one to the other. If you're a victim of the judgement of others and you can still keep an open mind, that's an achievement you should be proud of, not many can do it, most fails and even resorts to violence, and i won't discuss or talks about the way to handle the judgement from others for i know that everyone has their own way to deal with it. But i will talk about those who wants to help others and release them from the bindings of their closed-mind, and there are many ways to go about it, but personally for me (i don't know for you) the way to open up their minds is not to prove they're wrong, but to show them the two sides, the good and the bad and then let them choose. Think about it, if you force upon your opinion on them and continues to proves them wrong, what will that gain? Sure it will work for some people, but as for those who have severe cases, it won't and will actually lead them to hate you. So again for me personally, spend your time and effort to show them the two sides, and let them choose for themselves what actions they will take. To summarize, judgement isn't always a bad thing, but what makes it bad is our decision after we make that judgement.


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