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What does it mean to be original? What makes one certified to be called "original"? Or for that matter why is something called original while another isn't? It's a word we often use to describe something that we've never seen, heard, tasted, or experienced before. Something " new". Sometimes it's used as an adjective to describe someone who goes against the "mainstream" or that did something out of the ordinary, something "amazing" that impresses us.

But what is it really? What is original? What does it mean to be original? Is it to simply do something someone has never seen, heard, tasted, or experienced before? Is it a lifestyle of always trying to take risk and do something "unknown"? What about people in the circus then? They can do incredible things with their body that almost no one else can do, yet they're not treated as "original" so much as a "freak". Let's take look then, maybe you've of this name : Albert Einstein. Yes, the genius man, the one that's most famous for his equation of E = mc^2. He invented it right? He founded that equation, he's original, right? Maybe you've heard of this one aswell : Isaac Newton. The man famously known for his equation on gravity. They and many other famous "scientists" observed the phenomenon that happened in our daily lives then made their logical and mathematical reasoning to conclude their assumptions. In order to reach that reasoning, that conclusion however, they must have gotten help from other people. So the equation, the idea, then becomes a "collective idea" no longer a singular ones. There has never been an Invention of any kind that has been achieved absolutely alone,that only happens in their biography books that gratified the person. What happens then? Do their ideas become unoriginal? I mean it's just partially theirs.

For that matter, do we even think on our own? Or is it, in the end, just a collection of fragmented thought process form because we are influenced by the world around us? Or is it that we're original because we just don't know another person who thought the same thing as us in this world? Perhaps someone today already invented a supersonic car somewhere we just don't know it. Who's to say that the Wright brothers invented airplanes? Many, including Leonardo da Vinci, already made the design years before they did. Does that make them unoriginal?  Yet somehow, many of us still associate the Wright brothers as the "inventors" of airplanes. Or Alexander graham bell didn't even invent the telephone, it was a brit, Alexander just "improved" it. Does that make him original though? So it's now just improving something that other people invented that's flawed? Not even inventing something that's new and amazing anymore. To whom does the credit goes to then? Confusing, I know.

Sadly I can't say the exact definition of original. The dictionary beg to differ of course, but as I've stated above, to be original isn't as simple as a book makes it out to be. Maybe it doesn't matter that we're not original, maybe it's supposed to only be a collective idea, there's no harm in that. Maybe we as humans can only improve when those ideas are created together, maybe those ideas wouldn't even be there had it not been the collective progress and the help of others. It is perhaps our sympathy, empathy, and collective actions that makes the amazing, the new, the incredible. To you, readers, I give you that as a thought. Have a nice day, and thank you for reading


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