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Something different

Yeah I haven't done a post on this blog in a long time. So I'm trying something different today, a more "personal" and "talkative" approach if you will. I actually wanted to write a post with the theme "difference between doing and achieving" but at the same time, it's such an abstract theme that I doubt I can use it in my usual format. Hence is this new "style" of writing. Also I feel like I'd need less research time if I just put it out there rather than pondering on the question in my mind for a very long time like I used to. The question "can humans really do everything/anything?" was sparked by a sequence of events that leads me to overhearing a pair of woman and her daughter in the middle of the street in Germany, and the woman told her daughter that she could do anything and become anyone (in the German language ofc). While true becoming anyone is a matter of effort, time, and resources, doing anything isn't ...
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What does it mean to be original? What makes one certified to be called "original"? Or for that matter why is something called original while another isn't? It's a word we often use to describe something that we've never seen, heard, tasted, or experienced before. Something " new". Sometimes it's used as an adjective to describe someone who goes against the "mainstream" or that did something out of the ordinary, something "amazing" that impresses us. But what is it really? What is original? What does it mean to be original? Is it to simply do something someone has never seen, heard, tasted, or experienced before? Is it a lifestyle of always trying to take risk and do something "unknown"? What about people in the circus then? They can do incredible things with their body that almost no one else can do, yet they're not treated as "original" so much as a "freak". Let's take look then, maybe you...

Confirmation Bias

What is it exactly? It is a term used in psychology that explains what the humans rationalitation process does. It is a type of cognitive function often used by the frontal cortex (a.k.a. the more rational part of our brains) to extract information from memories or things that we learned to confirm what we already and or currently believe in. This is often the case when our brain cannot accept a new information that contradicts what itself truly thinks/believes to be real and comes from facts. This is also one of the many reasons why people tend to believe so much in an information they see on the internet if it somehow suits their conditions or the things they are trying to explain. Now, i am not going to go in depth into the whole explanation of confirmation bias. You can do that on your own time reading in Google or Wikipedia, or whatever other sources you may have at your disposal. But it is really interesting to talk about the implications and what this behaviour of ours bri...


Before we start, let's make it clear first, the Judgement i'm referring to isn't about laws or armageddon, rather it's a psychological action that people use in their daily basis to evaluate another person or an action taken by a anotherperson. This differs in the sense that there is no written rules as boundaries unlike law, nor is it related to anything about Judgement day a.k.a. armageddon. Now with that i hope it clears out any misconception and put us to the same page of context. Some might say it is necessary for survival, some might say it is a way for us to adapt to our environment, some might say it is also a method to quicken our train of thought from previous experience. There's no denying that our acts as human beings to judge others have it's many benefits. as well as it's disadvantages. Who's to say that judging others is wrong? Think about it, there's no telling what those who judge us have experienced. For example, a girl is trau...

Forgiving and Forgetting

Interactions between humans in a world full of society is, in a sense, inevitable. No matter where you go and what you do it is almost impossible to encounter it without interacting with other human beings for whatever reason it may be. Such interactions may or may not have good result, sometimes the results are as satisfying as it gets, but other times it can inflict a "mental injury". It doesn't necessarily means trauma, those "mental injury" is basically just intense moment of displeasing and discomforting situation that you experienced (again doesn't have to be traumatic). To survive, we humans evolved our psychological function to adapt to such situations and thus born the terms "Forgiving". But for some unknown reason, forgiving is now being translated to forgetting your problems, of course the actions of forgiving is way far off from forgetting something. Let us start with forgetting, an action we take to simply disengage our brains fr...


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The Robot Generation?

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